Yee Fung Toy picnic a big hit with local community

Yee Fung Toy picnic a big hit with local community
The Yee Fung Toy annual picnic offered great food and much fun for all who participated in the event. The gala affair was held at Margaret Hance Park in Phoenix on Sunday, October 25.

There was plenty of good picnic food for all who attended the annual Yee Fung Toy picnic. About 300 people attended the event and everyone enjoyed the food and each others company.

Theresa Yung was having a great time at the Yee Fung Toy picnic as she shows off her food at the outdoors event..
Everyone attending the Yee Fung Toy picnic had a great time meeting other friends and getting together for a great lunch.

All the kids that attended the Yee Fung Toy picnic won a prize presented to them by Valley leader and Yee Elder John M. Yee. The kids enjoyed their prizes and eating hot dogs and hamburgers at the annual event.

Phoenix Police Asian Liaison Chris Abril made a kid a special Phoenix Officer at the Yee Fung Toy picnic. Officer Abril has been a special member of the Asian community and has been attending many Asian functions throughout the year.
